Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Trupa Amadeus & Alexandra Violin - The Train to Moscow (24 de ore 2009)

Dupa cum v-am obisnuit, in fiecare marti va reamintesc de cate o melodie a trupei Amadeus Electric Quartet si Alexandrei Violin. Saptamana aceasta a venit randul celei de-a cincea piese de pe al cincilea (si ultimul) album al trupei, 24 de ore, lansat in anul 2009.

Cele 10 piese de pe acest disc au fost in asa fel gandite astfel incat sa reprezinte un anumit moment al zilei.

Piesa cinci se numeste Train to Moscow, iar daca aveti un album original acasa, pe spatele acestuia, veti vedea ca piesei acesteia i-a fost atribuita ora 14:30. Filmarea de mai sus este din perioada de promovare a albumului "24 de ore", Alexandra, Andreea, Cristina si Patricia dand un interviu pentru emisiunea Leomania.

Pentru a asculta discografia trupei Amadeus accesati tab-ul "Dicografie Amadeus" (click aici).

Trupa Amadeus - The Train to Moscow (24 de ore)


The fifth song off the Amadeus Electric Quartet and Alexandra Violin fifth and last album, 24 de ore , is called The Train to Moscow. 

The ten tracks off this album were made to fit a certain moment of the day.

Song 5 from the album is The Train to Moscow, and if you have a physical copy of the record you can see that on the back of it this song is next to a clock showing 2:30 pm. In the video above the girls are promoting their then latest album "24 hours" at the TV show Leomania. 

You can listen to the whole Amadeus and Alexandra Violin discography at this tab (click here)!

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

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