Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Alexandra Violin in amazing concert

Se simte bucuria de a canta la vioara, nu puteam sa nu pregatesc un post special dedicat acestui concert, mai multe detalii nu am la momentul de fata, insa Alexandra Violin a fost intr-o forma deosebita. Enjoy!


You can clearly see the joy of performing in the first picture, can't you? I couldn't pass the occasion of creating a separate blog post with these pictures, Alexandra Violin looks amazing. Enjoy!

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Alexandra Violin - Pick your favorite video

Cum merge statul acasa? Sper ca apucati sa va si relaxati si ca ati inceput sa faceti acele lucuri pe care le-ati tot amanat, in cazul meu este vorba de organizarea diverselor spatii prin casa :D
Alexandra ne-a rasfatat cu un nou videoclip pe YouTube, enjoy!

1) Alexandra Violin - Always remember us this way

2) Alexandra Violin - I'm not the only one

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Alexandra Violin pentru Dinner in the Sky Bucuresti 2017

A mai ramas sa discutam despre un singur concert Dinner in the Sky din 2017, de data aceasta va prezint imagini din cadrul editiei de la Bucuresti, avem si un videoclip cu Alexandra Violin in care interpreteaza remake-ul sau pentru Iarna sau Winter de Vivaldi. Enjoy!

Alexandra Violin - Winter (Vivaldi remake)


I have one more post from the Dinner in the Sky 2017 editions, and this time it is from the Bucharest event back in August. We can watch Alexandra Violin perform her version of Winter by Vivaldi. Enjoy!

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

New Song! Alexandra Violin - Always remember us this way @ Neatza cu Razvan si Dani (27.01.2020)

Alexandra Violin ne-a suprins la inceputul anului cu inregistrarea unui nou cover pentru "Always remember us this way" de Lady Gaga, piesa interpretata in filmul "A star is born". Premierea a avut loc in cadrul emisiunii "Neatza cu Razvan si Dani". In timpul interviului Alexandra a vorbit un puc despre mutarea intr-o casa noua, ca urmare a faptului ca familia sa s-a marit, avand acum 2 fetite minunate - Victoria si Valeria. Se pare ca Victoria a mostenit deja talentul muzical al mamei sale. Link pentru emisiunea integrala se gaseste aici. Link pentru momentul artistic se gaseste aici. Enjoy!

Alexandra Violin - Always remember us this way


Alexandra Violin surprised us with a brand new song at the beginning of 2020, a cover for the famous Lady Gaga A star is born - Always remember us this way. She performed this song on 'Morning with Razvan and Dani" back in January. The song as far as I know hasn't been releases on any of her social media accounts, but keep your eyes peeled on those, links below. She talked about moving to a bigger house, as her family has grown, she has two wonderful little girls, Victoria and Valeria. Enjoy!

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Alexandra Violin in concert 2020

Alexandra Violin a inceput anul 2020 cu numeroase concerte, de la evenimente private la evenimente publice, unele concerte foarte elegante, altele casual si jucause. Imagini din cadrul lor mai jos, enjoy!


Alexandra Violin and her 2020 concerts, from private events to public violin playing, from fancy and elegant to charitable and fun. Hope you like the pictures, make sure to follow Alexandra on her social media accounts for more. 

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Alexandra Violin pentru Horeca School (23 ianuarie 2020)

Pentru pasionatii de gatit poate Horeca School va este deja cunoscuta sau poate va ganditi sa va apucati anul acesta de un nou hobby. Alexandra Violin a sustinut un concert la sfarsitul lunii Ianuarie pentru Horeca, iata cateva imagini din cadrul evenimentului. Enjoy!


For those passionate about cooking you might have already heard about Horeca school or you might be thinking of starting a new hobby this year! Alexandra Violin performed for one class at Horeca School and we have a few pictures from the event. Enjoy!

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Alexandra Violin - Pick your favorite video

Sper ca toata lumea e in siguranta si ca va simtiti bine, sper ca toti sa aveti posibilitatea de a lucra de acasa si de a va suna prietenii, familia si de a mentine un ambient placut in viata personala! 

1) Alexandra Violin - Rather be (live cover)

2) Alexandra Violin & Trupa Cazino - Ioane, Ioane

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 
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