Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Alexandra Violin primul album Continental 2002 lansat alaturi de Trupa Amadeus

Alexandra Violin a lansat primul sau album alaturi de trupa Amadeus in anul 2002. La acea data line-up trupei era format din:
Alexandra Chise (Violin) - vioara electrica
Critina Filotti - pian
Andreea Runceanu - vioara electrica
Gratiela Giolu - contrabas electric

Fetele au adresat cateva multumiri.
Alexandra - Lui Dumnezeu pentru ca mi-a oferit aceasta sansa, familiei mele, domnilor Adrian Ordean si Florin Ionescu, echipei de la studioul Migas, colegelor mele: Cristina, Andreea, Gratiela si tuturor prietenilor. Ii  multumesc pentru tot prietenului meu.

Trupa Amadeus a pornit din dorinta lui Adrian Ordean de a aduce ceva nou si inovator pe piata muzicala romaneasca. Astfel el a ales-o pe Cristina de la liceul George Enescu, iar ea a invitat-o in trupa pe prietena ei, Alexandra. Apoi li s-au alaturat Gratiela si in final Andrea.

Cantecele de pe acest album le gasiti in tab-ul intitulat "Discografie Amadeus"


Alexandra Violin recorded her first album in 2002 with the band Amadeus Electric Quartet, and this is their debut album: Continental. It futures 10 tracks, which I will be sharing with you in  future posts.
The initial line up was:
Alexandra Chise (Violin) - electric violin
Cristina Filotti - piano
Gratiela Giolu - electric cello
Andreea Runceanu - electric violin

You can listen to the songs from this album on the blog page called "Discografie Amadeus" (click here) .

You can find Alexandra at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 
YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Tumblr | Vimeo 


  1. Magnificent album with beautiful melodies, each composed sublimente, songs delight the soul and touch the heart. I'm still listening to this album for two years and not the melodies get bored with a musical richness that is unmatched, I am fortunate to know of Amadeus. Many congratulations.

  2. This is a great album performed by two of the greatest musicians that have ever lived. Starting off with "way down Upon the Swanee river" it goes through some magic swing classics. violin tuner

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