Monday, December 1, 2014

Alexandra Violin deschide festivitatile de Craciun!

Anul acesta, luminile din Bucuresti si festivitatile de Craciun, au fost deschise in cel mai frumos mod posibil: sunetul electric al vioarei si nu orice fel de vioara, ci una foarte talentata si melodica! Ati inteles, este vorba despre violonista noastra preferata: Alexandra Violin!

Alexandra ne-a incantat cu o versiune dubstep a Anotimpurilor, iar pe scena i-au fost alaturi doua maini dibace (Leon Magdan), care au conturat diverse scene specifice anotimpului alb pe ritmurile melodiei!

Puteti viziona momentul mai jos!

Alexandra Violin - Iarna (Winter by Vivaldi electric violin cover)

Alexandra Violin - Anotimpurile (The Seasons) Dubstep electric violin


Alexandra Violin opened the Christmas Festivities in Bucharest with the electric sound of her violin! 

She performed "The Seasons" in a dubstep version, which you can see in the video above!
On stage she was accompanied by 2 skillful hands, which created different novelty scenes! 

You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!

Informatii despre Alexandra Violin gasiti pe urmatoarele pagini de socializare: 
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