Doua dintre cele mai populare cover-uri ale Alexandrei Violin sunt foarte aproape de a atinge pragul de 3.000 de vizualizari, care este preferatul tau?
Alexandra Violin - I will survive (Gloria Gaynor violin cover)
Alexandra Violin - We don't give a f**k (Quba violin cover)
Dupa cum stiti Alexandra a sustinut primul concert in afara din cariera sa solo, evenimentul avand loc la Restaurant Nox din Javea, Spania. Alexandra a cantat la vioara sa electrica, in timp ce invitatii descifrau tainele degustarii vinului.
Iata cateva poze si filmari din cadrul concertului:
Alexandra Violin - Carmen (Habanera)
No comment........Sin.comentarios.....
Posted by Jorge Catalin Ghe Popescu on Friday, March 18, 2016
As you already knew, Alexandra Violin had her first concert outside her country for the first time in her solo career, this time in Javea, Spain at Restaurante Nox on the 18th of March! Alexandra played her electric violin while the guests were introduced to the art of wine tasting..
Here are some photos and videos from the event!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Dupa cum v-am obisnuit, in fiecare marti va reamintesc de cate o melodie a trupei Amadeus Electric Quartet si Alexandrei Violin. Saptamana aceasta a venit randul piesei cu numarul sapte de pe al patrulea album al trupei, The Island, lansat in anul 2007.
The Island este albumul meu preferat al trupei si isi doreste sa fie o incursiune de-a lungul lumii, cu melodii inspirate de locuri precum Transilvania, Sicilia si chiar de Eden.
Piesa The Angels Garden este predominata de sunetul harpei, fiind o melodie linistitoare, lina si gingasa.
The seventh song off the Amadeus Electric Quartet and Alexandra Violin fourth album,The Island, is called The Angels Garden, a very soft and gentle track, in which the harp is the main instrument.
This album is by far my favorite one of theirs and the concept behind it is an excursion around the world, the songs being inspired by places like Transylvania and Sicily and even the garden of Eden!
You can listen to the whole Amadeus and Alexandra Violin discography at this tab (click here)!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Alexandra Violin este cunoscuta publicului larg drept Alexandra Chise sau Alexandra Gromic, frumoasa violonista din trupa Amadeus Electric Quartet de la infiintarea trupei in anul 2000, pana in ianuarie 2014.
Aceasta poza face parte din photo shooting-ul de promovare al albumului Meridian, lansat in anul 2003, fiind popular pentru piesa King of the Fairies, cea mai cunoscuta melodie a trupei Amadeus Electric Quartet.
De curand a lansat si primul videoclip oficial din cariera sa solo pentru o reinterpretare a piesei Toamna (Autumn) de Vivaldi si pregateste fanilor numeroase surprize!
Alexandra Violin is known to the public as Alexandra Chise or Alexandra Gromic, the beautiful violinist of Amadeus Electric Quartet since the beginning of the band in 2000, until January 2014.
This picture is part of the promotional photo shoot for the album Meridian, launched in 2003, the most popular track of the album being King of the Fairies.
Recently she published her first official music video from her solo career of a reinterpretation of Autumn by Vivaldi and she is preparing lots of surprises for her fans!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Alexandra Violin este cunoscuta publicului larg drept Alexandra Chise sau Alexandra Gromic, frumoasa violonista din trupa Amadeus Electric Quartet de la infiintarea trupei in anul 2000, pana in ianuarie 2014.
De curand a lansat si primul videoclip oficial din cariera sa solo pentru o reinterpretare a piesei Toamna (Autumn) de Vivaldi si pregateste fanilor numeroase surprize!
Alexandra Violin is known to the public as Alexandra Chise or Alexandra Gromic, the beautiful violinist of Amadeus Electric Quartet since the beginning of the band in 2000, until January 2014.
Recently she published her first official music video from her solo career of a reinterpretation of Autumn by Vivaldi and she is preparing lots of surprises for her fans!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
The last she posted is for a Romanian hit, called Gura Ta (Your Mouth) originally performed by Delia feat Deepcentral! Listen to the track above or on her SoundCloud profile.
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Alexandra Violin a pregatit fanilor numeroase surpriz luna aceasta si poate cea mai frumoasa a fost publicarea cover-ului pentru piesa Deliei si Deep Central, Gura ta, pe canalul sau oficial de YouTube de Ziua Femeii.
Alexandra Violin - Gura Ta (Delia & Deepcentral violin cover)
Si astfel Alexandra a demonstrat inca o data ca nu este nimic ce nu poate interpreta la vioara sa electrica!
Alexandra Violin prepared a lot of surprises for her fans this March, the most exciting probably being the launch of this violin cover of a popular Romanian song called "Your Mouth", originally performed by Delia & Deepcentral (if you would like to listen to the original track click here).
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Dupa cum v-am obisnuit, in fiecare marti va reamintesc de cate o melodie a trupei Amadeus Electric Quartet si Alexandrei Violin. Saptamana aceasta a venit randul piesei cu numarul sase de pe al patrulea album al trupei, The Island, lansat in anul 2007.
The Island este albumul meu preferat al trupei si isi doreste sa fie o incursiune de-a lungul lumii, cu melodii inspirate de locuri precum Transilvania, Sicilia si chiar de Eden.
Piesa The Piano este single-ul albumul, beneficiind si de un videoclip care a facut furori la lansarea lui in anul 2007!
The sixth song off the Amadeus Electric Quartet and Alexandra Violin fourth album,The Island, is called The Piano, the only single off the album, for which the girls filmed a music video for.
The film for the piano was pretty unique for the musical industry in Romania back in 2007!
This album is by far my favorite one of theirs and the concept behind it is an excursion around the world, the songs being inspired by places like Transylvania and Sicily and even the garden of Eden!
You can listen to the whole Amadeus and Alexandra Violin discography at this tab (click here)!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Alexandra Violin este cunoscuta publicului larg drept Alexandra Chise sau Alexandra Gromic, frumoasa violonista din trupa Amadeus Electric Quartet de la infiintarea trupei in anul 2000, pana in ianuarie 2014.
De curand a lansat si primul videoclip oficial din cariera sa solo pentru o reinterpretare a piesei Toamna (Autumn) de Vivaldi si pregateste fanilor numeroase surprize!
Alexandra Violin is known to the public as Alexandra Chise or Alexandra Gromic, the beautiful violinist of Amadeus Electric Quartet since the begining of the band in 2000, until January 2014.
This picture is from the New Year's Eve 2014 concert in Greece.
Recently she published her first official music video from her solo career of a reinterpretation od Autumn by Vivaldi and she is preparing lots of surprises for her fans!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Alexandra Violin este cunoscuta publicului larg drept Alexandra Chise sau Alexandra Gromic, frumoasa violonista din trupa Amadeus Electric Quartet de la infiintarea trupei in anul 2000, pana in ianuarie 2014.
Aceasta poza este de la revelionul pentru noaptea dintre anii 2013-2014 din Grecia.
De curand a lansat si primul videoclip oficial din cariera sa solo pentru o reinterpretare a piesei Toamna (Autumn) de Vivaldi si pregateste fanilor numeroase surprize!
Alexandra Violin is known to the public as Alexandra Chise or Alexandra Gromic, the beautiful violinist of Amadeus Electric Quartet since the begining of the band in 2000, until January 2014.
This picture is from the New Year's Eve 2014 concert in Greece.
Recently she published her first official music video from her solo career of a reinterpretation od Autumn by Vivaldi and she is preparing lots of surprises for her fans!
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
Daca va aflati in vacanta in Spania zilele acestea si vreti sa participati la o degustare de vinuri o puteti prinde pe Alexandra la restaurantul Nox, din Jávea.
Este frumos faptul ca staff-ul ofera pe pagina lor de FaceBook detalii despre Alexandra, a carei cariera si maiestrie se muleaza perfect cu rafinamentul evenimentului. Puteti urmarii pagina evenimentului aici:
If you happen to be on vacation in Spain and would like to go to a wine tasting party, you might meet Alexandra at Nox Restaurant in Javea!
What is lovely about this restaurant is that they provide information about Alexandra's career and training, her music and overall appearance fitting perfectly with the refinement of the place.
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!