Anul trecut, Alexandra Violin a fost deghizata in Vaduva Neagra, un costum care i-a iesit de minune!
Iar daca vreti sa ascultati ceva mai inventiv, va recomand melodia King of the Fairies, in videoclip aparand numeroase creaturi mitice. Si poate veti sarbatori si versiunea romaneasca a Halloweenului, care este in noaptea de 30 noiembrie, de Sf. Andrei.
King of the Fairies
I wish you a Happy Halloween! May you receive more treats than tricks! Last year, Alexandra Violin was a Black Widow, a costume she made and turned out amazing!
If you's like to listen to something inventive, I recommend the song King of the Fairies, the video is filled with lots of mythical creatures. Also, maybe next time you would like to celebrate the Romanian version of the Halloween which is on the 30th of November.
You can find our favorite violinist at the links listed below!
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